White Tabular Alumina vs. White Fused Alumina

White Tabular Alumina vs. White Fused Alumina

The production of fused alumina is a high-energy consumption process. It consumes 2000-3000 kWh of electric power per ton. While the comprehensive energy consumption of white tabular alumina is only 20% to 35% of that of fused alumina. There are many waste gas and waste residue emissions during the production of fused alumina.  However, the production of sintered tabular alumina uses natural gas as the heat source. Except for the emission of carbon dioxide in natural gas, there is no other waste gas and waste residue. Therefore, both in terms of energy saving and environmental protection, white tabular alumina can be better than white fused alumina.

Sintered tabular alumina also has better advantages in terms of performance and indicators than fused alumina. First, the impurity content of sintered tabular alumina is low and the distribution is uniform. But the impurity content of fused alumina is high and the distribution is uneven. White tabular alumina uses high-purity industrial alumina as raw material, and no additives in the production process. So impurities such as iron, silicon, and sodium in its products are all trace amounts. In the production process of fused corundum, iron and carbon are added as additives. Thus, the content of iron, carbon, silicon, sodium, and other impurities is much higher than that of sintered tabular corundum.

At the same time, the cooling speed of the white-fused alumina molten blocks from different positions varies. The impurity content of different positions is different. Therefore, white fused alumina emphasizes strict selection, while sintered tabular corundum does not need to be selected, and the mass distribution is relatively stable and uniform.

In addition, the sintered tabular corundum has a characteristic microstructure and more spherical closed pores, which determine its good thermal shock resistance and spalling resistance. The fused corundum has more open pores and fewer closed pores and is inferior to sintered tabular corundum in terms of corrosion resistance and penetration resistance.

Due to the rapid development of white tabular alumina in recent years, it has reached a high level in terms of technical indicators and output. Therefore greatly reducing the price of tabular alumina. Therefore, from a certain point of view, the use of sintered tabular alumina to replace fused alumina in refractory products not only improves the service life of refractory products, reduces the consumption of refractory materials, but also reduces the energy consumption of the entire refractory material. quantity dependence.

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